Friday 18 November 2011

Pub Quiz - The first event of the year!

Think you know your cinema, culture and music?
The fun way to enjoy a drink and practise your English!
Form your own team or just come along and we will
find a team for you!
The winners will get a prize!

Please email Mark if you
are coming!

Friday 14 October 2011

Big Ideas in Teaching Languages: IH Milano Convegno 2011

Venerdì 21 ottobre 2011 si terrà la 4° edizione del convegno International House Milan presso il Centro Congressi Fast, situato in Piazzale Morandi 2, a Milano.

Come ogni anno vi proporremo argomenti interessanti quali: CLILCambridge Exams, e per la prima volta ci saranno argomenti per insegnanti di italiano come lingua straniera e mediatori linguistici.
Saranno presenti prestigiosi relatori, tra cui: Roger Hunt da IH Barcelona, Jamie Keddie ( e Jeremy Harmer (autore di the practice of english language teaching). Stand espositivi delle maggiori case editrici saranno a vostra disposizione. Vi ricordiamo che la nostra scuola, grazie all'appartenenza ad Aisli, può rilasciare gli attestati di frequenza validi ai fini dell'aggiornamento docenti.

Come sempre la partecipazione sarà gratuita, previa iscrizione.

Per effettuare la prenotazione:

Thursday 15 September 2011

Things not to do abroad

Here is an article: Things not to do abroad. So be careful while traveling!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Short Story: Princess September

September has arrived and so here is a short story called "Princess September"!

Friday 29 July 2011

Logic Puzzle No.4

Here is the logic puzzle of the week. Enjoy!

 Solution for the puzzle No.3

Wednesday 20 July 2011

One Stop English Prize

Our teacher Magnus has won a prize for a lesson on One Stop English!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Test your vocabulary

This is a website where you can take a small test to see how many (approximately) English words you know:

Friday 15 July 2011

Logic Puzzle No.3

Here is the logic puzzle of the week. Enjoy!

Wednesday 13 July 2011


This is an online word game which is similar to scrabble. Have fun!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Man vs. Wild - Listening Activity

Have you ever watched the adventures of Bear Grylls? Here is a short video where you can see one of his interesting inventions!

Monday 4 July 2011

The History of English in Ten Minutes

The Open University is a UK school of higher learning that has no formal entry requirements for admission. The idea is to make learning available to everyone of any age and walk of life, no matter where they live. You don’t have to wait to graduate high school to enroll at OU, and there is no age limit. There are no dorms, no residential component at all, but at more than 250,000 students the OU is the largest university in the UK. Since it was founded in 1969, over 1.6 million people have taken at least one Open University course.
In keeping with their mission of widening access to university-level study, the OU has a put a wealth of materials online. They have a database of research papers that is freely accessible to the public — Open Research Online — and OpenLearn makes available online, free of charge, learning materials used in coursework at The Open University. It’s not accredited so you won’t be able to parlay any of the work you do into an OU degree, but it’s an excellent resource for anyone looking to educate themselves on a subject of interest. There are over 500 free courses, from short introductory overviews to 50-hour advanced study programs, across 12 subject areas you can pursue on OpenLearn.
OL also has a YouTube channel, which brings us to reason for this here entry. Without further ado, please enjoy the History of English in (just over) Ten Minutes.

Friday 1 July 2011

Logic Puzzle No.1

Here is a nice logic puzzle that you can have great fun with while practising your English. We will publish a logic puzzle every week, so keep following us!

Thursday 30 June 2011

Simona Orlandi Poetry Competition

IH Milan was proud to sponsor the Simona Orlandi Association poetry competition. The prize-giving for the best poems took place at San Donato Town Hall on Friday 10 June. Assistant Director of Studies, Tania Vaz, read out the winning poems from the ever-popular English section.

The Association was set up in 1992 by friends of family of Simona who sadly passed away on 31 March 1991 aged 18. It aims to keep Simona’s energy and passion for poetry alive.

The evening was a great success – a happy celebration of creativity and poetry – a great way to remember Simona.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Spelling test

Here is a spelling quiz. Test your ability to write the words in the right way!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

English Pub Quiz - The Winning Team

Here's the winning team of the last English Pub Quiz, "The Cream"! Congratulations!!
You can find the rest of the photos of the event on our facebook page:

Monday 20 June 2011

Gerund or Infinitive?

Here is a quick quiz on gerund and infinitive forms.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Vacation Plans

Do you already have plans for the summer holidays?

Listen to this exercise about vacations and find out how to learn about the culture of the place that you're going to visit!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Top 10 Misused English Words

Refute, Instant, Less...Do you use these words in the right way?

Pub Quiz - The last event of the year!


Think you know your cinema, culture and music? The fun way to enjoy a drink and practise your English! Form your own team or just come along and we will find a team for you! The winners will get a prize!

via S.Senatore 14
MM: Missori

20th June

Please email Mark if you are coming!

Monday 30 May 2011

Why we need punctuation

Punctuation marks are like road signs for readers: they show you where you’re going and what’s ahead. If they’re missing or wrong, a reader can get lost.

Read more:

Monday 23 May 2011

Listening activity: Picnic Preparations

Here is a listening activity. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
Level: Elementary

Friday 20 May 2011

Are you typical?

Are you the world's most typical person? An interesting video about people around the world.

Thursday 19 May 2011

John Peter Sloan at IH Milan Aperitivo

Yesterday there was the Aperitivo of IH Milan with the famous actor & writer John Peter Sloan. We had great fun while he was talking about his life story and his observations on the cultural differences between Italy and United Kingdom. We all hope to repeat this event every year. 

Monday 16 May 2011

Wednesday 11 May 2011

IH Milan Director's message

Here is a video of IH Milan director Sieglinde Wolkan talking about the school and what she gets out of being part of the International House network (IH Directors' Conference Valencia 2011).

Monday 9 May 2011

Listening activity: New York Travel

Here is a nice listening activity. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
Level: Intermediate

International House Directors' Conference 2011

Recently the city of Valencia hosted the yearly International House Director's Conference where all IH Directors from 150 schools and 47 countries meet for 4 days and receive input.

Here is a photo of: Sieglinde Wolkan and Claudio Tedesco, Directors of IH Milan, Brita Haycraft, co-founder of IH (in 1953), Michael Noonan, a trustee of the IH Trust, Silvia and Norman, Directors of IH Rome. 

Thursday 5 May 2011


Bar L’Ambrosiana via Rugabella 1
 (ang. di Porta Romana) MM: Missori

Enjoy a drink and practise your English in a relaxed environment with other students and teachers from International House!
…and enjoy a light-hearted talk by actor John Peter Sloan...and author of Instant English and Speak Now! DVDs in collaboration with La Repubblica newspaper.

Please email Mark if you are coming!

Monday 2 May 2011

Word Game

Interested in movies? Then you will find this game very easy!

159 Most Common MOVIE TITLE Words

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Airbus crisis over

A reading exercise: read through the text then answer the questions that follow.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

English Pub Quiz - Winning team

Here's the winning team of the last English Pub Quiz! Congratulations!!
You can find the rest of the photos of the event on our facebook page:

Thursday 14 April 2011

Text to speech

Do you have difficulties in pronouncing some words? Just enter the word and listen the pronunciation from a native speaker!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Small spaces

For much of the developing world, living space is at such a premium people spend ridiculous sums of money to live in quarters smaller than some prison cells. Here are 10 cases of living in small spaces, some ingenious and enlightened, others not.


Thursday 7 April 2011

Open Day - Executive Centre

Venerdì 8 aprile 2011 International House organizza il 3° Open Day presso l'Executive Centre di Piazza Diaz, 6 a Milano.

I workshop di argomento specifico in lingua inglese, destinati a figure aziendali che operano in ambito internazionale, saranno i seguenti:

  • English for Marketing (dalle ore 13.45 alle ore 14.45)
  • English for Meetings & Negotiations (dalle ore 14.45 alle ore 15.45)
  • English for Cross Cultural Management (dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 17.00)
  • Public Speaking & Presentations (dalle ore 17.00 alle ore 18.00)

L'apertura dei lavori è prevista alle ore 13.30.

La partecipazione è gratuita ed è rivolta a tutte le persone interessate.

Per qualsiasi informazione potete contattarci al numero 02 867903 oppure all'indirizzo e-mail

Monday 4 April 2011

Listen a minute

You can find lots of listening activities on this website. First listen and then do the activities.

Monday 14 March 2011


Everyone at IH Milan would like to send their congratulations to our teacher Zoya on the birth of her daughter, Isabelle!

English UK ELT Management Conference

Mike Riley represented International House Milan at the recent English UK ELT Management Conference in Manchester.

Mike gave a presentation entitled ‘Don’t throw things at teachers!’

Friday 11 March 2011

SOCIAL EVENT: APERITIVO + free prize draw

Thursday 24th March from 7pm

Bar L'Ambrosiana - Via Rugabella 1 (ang. di Porta Romana) MM: Missori

Join us for an aperitivo and celebrate the start of Spring! Eat, drink and practise your English in a relaxed environment with other students and teachers from International House !
...and win a free 1 week study course at IH Bristol!

Prize: 1 week English course in International House Bristol. 30 lessons (1 lesson=45 min). You can take the course any time in 2011. During aperitivo there will be a short presentation of IH Bristol.

Please email Mark if you are coming!


Monday 28 February 2011


Here's a Free Puzzlemaker site on DISCOVERY EDUCATIONS. It's easy to create lots of puzzles!

Friday 25 February 2011


Il concorso di poesia si articola in cinque sezioni:
Sezione A: scuole primarie
Sezione B : scuole secondarie di 1° grado
Sezione C: scuole secondarie di 2° grado
Sezione D: adulti
Sezione E :lingua inglese

Si concorre inviando da una a tre poesie inedite, che non siano mai state pubblicate in libri, raccolte, riviste, giornali locali etc., scritte in lingua italiana (salvo la sezione E), con un massimo di 30 versi ciascuna, in sei copie dattiloscritte di cui solo una dovrà riportare nome, cognome, data di nascita, indirizzo e numero di telefono dell'autore.
Il testo e i titoli delle poesie dovranno essere in times new roman, corpo 12, senza l'utilizzo di ulteriori elementi grafici (disegni, decorazioni, word art...)
Gli elaborati dovranno pervenire dal 7 al 12 marzo presso la Biblioteca Civica "Simona Orlandi" di San Donato Milanese in Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 51/B nei seguenti orari:
- tutti i giorni (dal 7 all'11 marzo) dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00
- Sabato 12 marzo solo dalle ore 10,00 alle ore 12,30

La quota di iscrizione per ciascun partecipante è di € 2,00 per le sezioni A e B (qualora l'autore fosse l'intera classe, verrà considerata come un unico partecipante) e di € 5,00 per le sezioni C, D, E, indipendentemente dal numero degli elaborati inviati.
I lavori saranno esaminati e valutati da una giuria nominata dall'associazione il cui giudizio è insindacabile inappellabile.
I primi tre classificati di ogni sezione verranno premiati mentre agli autori segnalati dalla giuria
verranno distribuiti attestati di riconoscimento.
L'associazione si riserva la possibilità di diffusione e stampa dei lavori premiati e segnalati o ritenuti degni di pubblicazione senza che alcun compenso debba essere corrisposto per i diritti di autore.
Ai vincitori e agli autori dei lavori segnalati sarà data comunicazione personole in tempo utile,
Per informazioni : tel. 02 523016

Monday 21 February 2011

Short stories in English

Short English stories with listening, grammar, comprehension, dictation exercises, and crossword puzzles:

Thursday 17 February 2011

Winning Team

Here's the winning team of the last English Pub Quiz! Congratulations!!
You can find the rest of the photos of the event on our facebook page:

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Monday 14 February 2011

IH Barcelona ELT Conference

International House Milan was represented at the IH Barcelona ELT conference by Mike Riley who also gave a presentation. The conference was a great chance for English teachers from across Europe to meet and share experiences and ideas. Let’s hope the IH Milan Conference will be as successful!

Monday 7 February 2011

Art Attack!

A nice activity to do with your children in your spare time! Help them learn English while having fun.

Here is the website where you can find some more instructions!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Learning Chocolate

This is a great vocabulary website with sound recordings. You can first study and then practice!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Wednesday 26 January 2011


A website where you can read and listen books. It is a useful tool to make listening activities.

Monday 24 January 2011

Why not eat insects?

Bizarre facts about life. Did you know that we all eat insects without knowing it?

Marcel Dicke: Why not eat insects? | Video on

P.S: Check the subtitle list if you have difficulties in following the speech.

Lyrics Training

Practice English with your favorite songs!

Friday 21 January 2011

Digital Dialects

A funny way to practice the language that you like!! There are lots of exercises of English and Italian language. Have fun!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Social Programme: Aperitivo

Tuesday 25th January from 7pm

CRASH Lounge Bar - Viale Montenero, 3 MM Porta Romana

Join us for an aperitivo to celebrate Burn’s Night - a great Scottish tradition! Eat, drink and practise your English in a relaxed environment with other students and teachers from International House !

Please email Mark if you are coming!
