Wednesday 16 June 2010

Ken Robinson

Here's a new TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson -

World Cup 2010

We're sure that you are all enjoying the World Cup from South Africa.

Our students in San Donato have predicted that Brazil will win the competition? Do you agree?

Here's a link to a video from FIFA explaining the Robben Island Football League

Simona Orlandi

Last Friday we were very pleased to attend the poetry reading for the Simona Orlandi Association in San Donato.

The event was a lot of fun, the poems were wonderful and it was a great pleasure to see all our old friends from the Association.

To find out more visit - Associazione Simona Orlandi

Thursday 10 June 2010

English Pub Quiz


Think you know your cinema, culture and geography? The fun way to enjoy a drink and practise your English! Form your own team or just come along and we will find a team for you! The winners will get a prize!


Via S. Senatore 14
MM: Missori

Wednesday 23 June

Quiz starts at 8.30pm!

Please email Mark if you are coming!


Tuesday 1 June 2010

Simona Orlandi Poetry Competition

Invitiamo tutti, partecipanti e non, a
prendere parte alla serata di premiazione
che si terrà Venerdì 11 Giugno
alle ore 21.00 c/o la Biblioteca
Civica IISimona Orlandi" di S. Donato
Milanese Via Martiridi Cefalonia, 51/B,
Nel corso della serata verranno lette
le poesie premiate e quelle segnalate.
A premiazione conclusa sarà inoltre
disponibile la raccolta completa delle
poesie partecipanti.