Saturday 31 October 2009

Guy Fawkes Aperitivo

Aperitivo to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.

Guy Fawkes Night is a British tradition which celebrates the failure of a plan to blow up the British Parliament in 1605. Families and towns organise fireworks and fires every 5th November.

Come along and eat, drink and speak English to other students and teachers from International House.

Palo Alto Café, C.So di Porta Romana, 106 MM Crocetta

Thursday 5th November 2009 from 6.30pm

Please email Mark if you are coming -

Tuesday 27 October 2009

IH Social Programme

International House Milan runs a social programme for all our students. It's a great opportunity to socialise with teachers, staff and other students and practise your English in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

There will be lots of events - aperitivo in English, theatre trips and pub quizzes!

If you want to be included on the mailing list for our social programme, please email your details to Mark at

Also visit our website -


Listverse is a nice website (in English, of course) that has lots of interesting top 10 lists.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

IH Milan Conference September 2009

IH Milan Conference September 2009

Julie Sweeney

Grammar and Vocabulary for PET & FCE

IH Milan Conference September 2009

IH Milan Conference 2009

Creativity in the Classroom

Susan Holden

IH Milan Conference September 2009

IH Milan Conference - September 2009

Creativity in the Classroom

Susan Holden

Monday 5 October 2009

IH Milan Conference Sept 2009 - The Web for Teaching English - Mike Riley

IH Milan Conference September 2009 - Creativity in the Language Classroom

The Web for Teaching English

Mike Riley

IH Milan Conference Sept 2009 - Creativity -it's serious Mike Riley

IH Milan Conference September 2009 - Creativity in the Language Classroom

Creativity - It's Serious

Mike Riley

IH Milan Conference Sept 2009 - Creativity and IH - Lucy Horsefield

IH Milan Conference September 2009

Lucy Horsefield

International House and Creativity

IH Milan Conference Sept 2009 - English for Sale & Using Images Ben Goldstein

IH Milan Conference September 2009 - Creativity in the Langauge Classroom

Ben Goldstein

English for Sale

Using Images

For slides from Ben's talks please have a look at his website -

IH Milan Conference Sept 2009 - Creative Dictations - Babeth Cartwright

IH Conference 2009 - Creativity in the Language Classroom

Creative Dictations

Babeth Cartwright