Monday 18 May 2009

Study Abroad - IH vancouver

Vancouver is the biggest city in British Colombia. It is regarded as one of the best cities to live in.

If you would like to learn more about the city, have a look at this promotional video -

IH Vancouver offers General English group courses, TOEFL preparation and individual lessons. The school is situated in the centre of the city not far from Kitsilano Beach and Granville Island. The school also has a branch in the beautiful town of Whistler. Here is a link to the school's website - IH Vancouver

If you would like more information about courses at IH Vancouver, please contact Francesca Pola at or on 02 805 78 25.

Monday 11 May 2009

New York Times Videos

The New York Times has an excellent collection of video clips related to business news. Click the link below - the videos are quite challenging!

New York Times Business Videos

Summertime at International House

Summertime at International House
The Happy Summer Camp: centro estivo completamente in inglese per bambini e ragazzi dai 6 ai 12 anni. Giochi all’aperto, lavori manuali, stage di ballo e teatro in compagnia dei nostri esperti docenti madrelingua.
Iscrizioni settimanali dal 15 giugno al 10 luglio 2009.

The English Club: prima di tornare a scuola un vero “Club” per ragazzi dai 10 ai 14 anni, per recuperare e migliorare l’inglese scolastico. Aiuto personalizzato in piccoli gruppi con i nostri insegnanti madrelingua.
Iscrizioni settimanali dal 31 agosto al 11 settembre 2009.

Per informazioni:


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