Monday 20 April 2009

Fun Dictionary Site

Lexipedia is an online dictionary that not only gives you definitions and examples, but also shows you a mind map of uses and synonyms.

Here's a link - Lexipedia

Have fun!

Study Abroad: International House Auckland

Auckland, situated on the North Island, is the biggest city in New Zealand. International House Auckland is in the heart of the city and offers General English group courses. Here is a link to their website - IH Auckland

To get a taste of this beautiful city, why not watch this short video?

For more information regarding the courses offered at International House Auckland, contact Francesca Pola on 02 805 78 25 or

Monday 6 April 2009

What's Twitter?

Have you heard people talking about Twitter recently? Here's a video in plain (but quite difficult!) English that explains Twitter...

Will you start Twittering?

Word Game

Word Connect is a free online word game. It is very similar to Tetris, but the objective is to make the falling blocks into English words. Here's the link - Word Connect