Wednesday 28 May 2008

Tuesday 20 May 2008

What's for dinner?

Italians are rightly proud of their cuisine. Make sure you have the vocabulary to describe your wonderful food to foreign visitors and colleagues.

How good is your food vocabulary? Have a look at the links below - what do you think of the restaurants? - You may need a good dictionary to help you!

Study Tip - make a note of any new words (and their collocations) in your vocabulary books.

Indian Restaurant

Chinese Restaurant

Fish & Chips

English Pizzeria(!)

English Country Pub

Saturday 17 May 2008

Friday 16 May 2008

Teachers' Club

Do you teach English at primary or secondary school level? Why not join our Teachers' Club?

Send your email address to and we'll keep you up-to-date with offers and events for our Teachers' Club.

Diary of a DoS 1

It has been a busy week in school. Not only have we had full classrooms to deal with, but there have been lots of important football matches and birthdays to manage as well!

It was my own birthday last week (my best present? Ryan Giggs' 80th-minute goal for United!) Cultural differences are a recurring theme in an ex-pat's life - my birthday highlighted another cultural difference between Britain and Italy. In the UK, being the birthday boy is special - people send you cards and buy you presents and when you go out for dinner, well, everyone volunteers to pay for your food and drink! Birthdays, in Britain, are a great thing. I realised on Sunday that birthdays in Italy are different. When did this fact dawn on me? When the restaurant bill arrived.

As I started to calculate the individual costs of all my guests, my mathematics was met with the confused frowns of my Italian friends. "Well that's €20 each," I declared, reaching for my wallet. A few seconds later I realised I was the only one reaching for their wallet.

Apparently, in Italy, the birthday boy pays for the meal - for everybody's meal! I felt my birthday cheer disappear as I handed over all my cash to the waiter, much to the joy of my friends.

I think that next year I will celebrate my birthday back home in Manchester.

Listen to DoS Diary 1

Listen to DoS Diary 1

diary of a dos 1.mp3

Thursday 15 May 2008

Taking care of business 1

Some people say that the best things on TV these days are the adverts. But what were adverts like in England twenty years ago?

Have a look at a few below:

What do you think of these adverts?

Would they be effective today?

What do you think of the adverts we watch today?

This week's website - BBC

One of the best online resources for students of English is the BBC's Learning English site.

It's full of great activities - quizzes, games, articles, listening exercises and even the first ever soap opera for students of English!

Let us know what you think of the site.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Time Management

Everyone in business knows that time is money and that time is one of the most difficult things to manage!

It's difficult enough to get through your daily tasks without having your English teacher asking you why you haven't done your homework!

The Internet is a rich resource for learners of English. Recently, university lecturer, Randy Pausch, has become well-known for his good humour, despite fighting a battle against terminal cancer. You can watch a recent lecture (level-advanced) he gave on the subject of time management on his website: Randy Pausch.

You might just find some tips that will help you to be more efficient at work AND have time to do your homework!

Happy Summer Camp

Imparare l'inglese giocando!
“The Happy Summer Camp” è il centro estivo per bambini e ragazzi completamente in inglese.
E' organizzato presso la nostra scuola di San Donato Milanese nei mesi di giugno, luglio e settembre.
I bambini hanno la possibilità di familiarizzare con l'inglese in modo spontaneo, partecipando ad una varietà di giochi all'aperto, laboratori creativi e giornate a tema.
Sono accompagnati in questa avventura dai nostri insegnanti madrelingua, tutti qualificati e dotati di solida esperienza.
Sono aperte le iscrizioni al Summer Camp 2008!
Contatta 02 5279124 oppure per maggiori informazioni.

“The Happy Summer Camp” is a summer centre for children run exclusively in English.
It takes place at our San Donato premises in June, July and September.
The children have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with English in a spontaneous way by participating in various outdoor games, creative labs and theme-based days.
Our English mother-tongue teachers, all qualified and with vast experience, lead the children through this Summer adventure.